Last Updated on November 28, 2022 by admin


Differences Between a True Twin Flame and a False Twin Flame 

Differences Between a True Twin Flame and a False Twin Flame

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Your twin flame is your soul mirror. They share your “core soul frequency.” That means that though your relationship is indeed blissful, it can also be difficult. This relationship is one of the rarest types of karmic relationships characterized by their instant connection and intensity. Each person only has one twin flame that mirrors their soul. They’re loving relationships meant to bring deep insight and awareness to each twin, often plagued by many trials and tribulations along the way. That’s why there are also false twin flame relationships. This is what happens when we find someone who we think is our perfect match but really exists to help us identify and then clear karma and patterning so that we can be ready for the real thing. In this article, I talk about the differences between a false twin flame and a true twin flame…  
1. False twin flame leaves your life suddenly while you have a shared vision of your lives with your true twin.

A false twin flame has every characteristic of an actual twin flame but once they are done with you, they disappear from your life. They get what they want, then they leave. They also have a slightly different vision of life. But your true twin flame will always be on your side helping you. They think about both of your futures together.


2. False twin flames have conditional love for you while true twin flame has unconditional love.
A false twin flame comes into your life when everything happens smoothly. They’ll love you on their standings, but if there’s a moment when you refuse to meet their expectations, they will act differently towards you. A true twin flame will give you unconditional love and accept you for all your faults. If you fail, true twin flame stands by you, whereas false twins aren’t accepting of any failure.  
3. False twin flames will teach you how to help yourself while true twin flame wants you to help others.
False twin flames come into your life when you need to become self-conscious and make some kind of change. True twin flame appears in the time when we need to expand our powers and start to change the lives of people around us.  
4. When a hard time comes in your life false twin flames won’t do the commitment while the commitment of the true twin flame becomes stronger.
What mostly separates the false twin flames from the real is their extinction. When difficulties and disagreements arise, the true commitment of the twins will be revealed. In the end, the fake twins will leave because it was too difficult for them. The true spiritual twin will be ready to go through anything to stay with you.  
5. False twin flames will make you anxious whether they are present or absent while true twin flame makes you feel at home.

A true twin flame feels like home and being with them doesn’t require you to put on any kind of face while you’re around them. Likewise, you know you can trust them fully when you’re apart.

A false twin flame is just the opposite and a relationship with them doesn’t feel natural. You may feel like you have to walk on eggshells around them whenever you’re together, or you may start to feel insecure both in their presence and outside of it.


6. Your fake spiritual twin will cause you strong feelings of doubt, while the real twin will bring you security.

One of the biggest signs of a false twin flame is continuous doubt in the relationship. Although it will seem to you that this relationship meets all your criteria, there will always be one voice in your head and a heart that will ask the question: Is this true? this will not happen with the true twin flame, at least not to that extent.


7. False twin flames grow apart while true twin flames grow with you together.

When two people are true twin flames, their life journeys largely become one. You grow together and teach other lessons about how to make the world a better place not only for each other but more importantly, for others.

When you meet your false twin flame, you may feel stifled in your efforts to grow as a person. You may even find that while you’re working to make your life better, you’re doing so at the expense of others.

Psychic Love Report will help you understand more about your relationship.


8. False twin flames feel threatened by your success while true twin flame helps you to achieve it.

False twin flames become envious and they feel like it’s a competition with your success. They won’t support you. They will make you feel guilty about it or you will think that it “loses” something. The true twin flame will not only be happy with you but also help you succeed.


9. False twin flames will show you what you need to change to survive, while the true twin flame will show you what you need to do to succeed.
False twin flames will mark the beginning of your awakening. It will reveal your old wounds and habits that hinder your way to success. Your true spiritual twin will not emphasize your pain from the past, but it will help you to understand what you need to do to have a fulfilling life.  
10. False twin flames will inspire you to awaken yourself while a true twin flame will make you do it together.
Twin flames often come at a time when you have conquered past issues and are ready to move on. But when you’re dealing with a false twin flame, you’ll see past issues arising again in this relationship. This will be an inspiration for you to awaken. The relationship with the true twin flame will help each other to awaken at the same time.  
11. You will wonder why the relationship with your false twin flame happened to you while you enjoy each day with your true twin flame.

The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to learn and act on the meaning of true love. A false twin flame will leave you feeling doubtful of others and yourself. When you are with your false twin flame, you will constantly wonder why you feel so much pain. When you are with your true twin flame, you will understand that disagreements help you mature and become better partners and better people.


Twin Flame Sketch is a perfect way to find out how your twin flame looks like



Together, you and your Twin Flame will have your ‘joint life’ experience from all sides, and points of view, so that no aspect has not been considered.

By comparison, with your False Twin Flame, you will just share some similarities. Enough similarities to attract each other so that your paths will cross. This allows your False Twin Flame to support you on your journey, and start to activate your wounds.


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