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How to Heal During Twin Flame Separation 

How to Heal During Twin Flame Separation

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Twin flame relationships are the most beautiful and intense relationships we can experience in our lives. It’s very challenging as well. They are not always meant to last forever. Some twin flames go through a separation period and this is temporary for most couples but some separations end up being permanent. This article discusses how to heal and move on with your life after the separation.  

Twin Flame Separation

The separation is a stage in twin flame relationships and many twin flames will experience it. It’s a period of separation from each other. It typically happens as the honeymoon phase ends and insecurities and attachment issues begin to appear.

Many twin flames will end up making their way back to each other. This can take days, months sometimes years. But some of us will never be coming back to each other. It depends on the level of work the twin flames do individually while they are separate.


How to Heal When You are in the Separation Phase


1. Understand why you separated.
If you are going through the awakening path, you already understand that there’s a reason for everything that happened in your life. We all know the separation from your mirror soul is unbearable pain. But realizing why it happens and what role it plays in your spiritual ascension is the first step toward healing. You need to know that this stage of the twin flame journey is critical for both your twin and your own progress and evolution. It will make both of you stronger and better and will ensure that you have an everlasting reunion.  
2. Let yourself grieve.

If at all possible, try to think of the twin flame separation as a grieving process. Give yourself some space, and let yourself experience all of your feelings. This may be crying, screaming, worrying, or anything. Let yourself express it. The best thing you can do is try to honor your emotions rather than judge them. Being sad is okay.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is don’t hurry to find a new relationship. When you have lots of emotions going on you won’t be thinking straight.

You need time to heal what has been broken. You must tend to your wounded heart and allow time, care, gentleness, and deeper self-understanding to allow healing to occur. If you pretend to be fine when you are not, it will lead to your misery.


3. Think deeply about the experience.

When you separate from your twin flame, you enter a healing mode. You must examine yourself and learn from the reason for your separation.

Healing is a delicate and beautiful process. Can be done in many many ways. However, the fundamental principle of healing is to treat the wound from within rather than from the outside.

Carry a journal with you and write down your feelings about this separation: this is a fantastic technique for getting to know your deeper feelings and thoughts that you aren’t aware of.


4. Prioritize and focus on your own personal development and self-love.

As you know by now these separations can be permanent or temporary. But this is always an opening to focus on and prioritize your own self-improvement and self-love.

Though it’s easy to say It is very hard for most of us as we focus on finding ourselves and our own happiness because our happiness is frequently dependent on being in a relationship or with someone else, which should not be the case.

The best thing to do is to find time for the things that once brought you peace, joy, or inspiration but were put on hold during your relationship. You may be more open to saying ‘yes‘ to new things, people, and experiences to explore a newfound sense of freedom, even if it hurts at first. Push yourself to do things even when you don’t want to. For example, even if you didn’t want to go out to a movie with a friend, you’ll feel better coming home than if you stayed at home.


5. See it as a chance for your spiritual growth.
You have the option to see the separation as growth for yourself or a downturn. Choosing how you will see it is reclaiming your power. As we progress through our healing process, one thing becomes clear: when you love yourself completely, you couldn’t care less if someone else couldn’t see your beauty or value your connection. You don’t make it any longer. Because you believe in yourself and love yourself, and that is all that matters. When you have faith in yourself, you have faith in life, higher powers, or whatever you want to call it. Know that the universe will not lead you astray, and if you’re truly meant to be, you’ll go your separate ways and eventually find your way back together.  


Many twin flame relationships will go through the separation phase, if not multiple separation phases. In order to come back together, both people will need to grow emotionally and spiritually mature. And when they do, these relationships can flourish beautifully. That said, not all twin flames are meant to stay together, and that’s OK too.

Some twin flame relationships can be toxic, however, and they may never reunite or shouldn’t. You can discover your own personal path to true soulmate love with a Psychic Love Report.


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