Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by admin

Twin Flame Union

If you’ve been on the twin flame journey for a while now, but still aren’t in union with your twin flame, there’s one question that can shift your experience pretty quickly… ready for it? Ok…

Are you REALLY doing anything to actively work towards twin flame union?

If your twin flame journey feels out of control, if you feel you are obsessively pining, feel that it is taking much longer than you’d hoped or if you’re caught in constant push/ pull dynamics with your twin, I’m here to tell you the upsetting news that its not going to change.

I can tell you from experience in my own twin flame journey that crystals, meditating, talk therapies, and most forms of energy work just aren’t heavy duty enough to really clear the deep energetic congestion between twin flames to allow them to reach (and remain in) union longterm. 

It makes me sad when I hear so many say, ‘I’m working through my stuff…’ because I can see how desperately they are trying to work their way towards union – but I also know from experience that this  approach is guaranteed to make the journey longer, more arduous and distressing and, will cause life to be more chaotic throughout the process. 

So, What’s The Problem?

It’s not the motivation that’s the problem, it’s the approach. I’ve worked with twin flame clients for over 10 years and the clients who reach union successfully and quickly, do so after the following:

  • Healing the ‘initial trauma’ – this is a past life where you and your twin experienced severely impacting trauma and the illusion of separation began – failing to heal and resolve this is the biggest contributor to being unable to reach union since energetically one or both twins is unconsciously avoiding the trauma of being united again.
  • Healing childhood wounds & emotional issues – I can tell you from experience that thankfully you don’t have to heal every single issue in order to unite with your twin flame (since we continue healing once we reach union with our twin anyway) but you do have to discover and clear the ones that are blocking your union most. If you can tackle these first, you’ll break free.
  • Use energy psychology – not just energy healing. I LOVE energy healing in all of its forms and have learned and practiced many throughout my coaching career, but when it comes to twin flames, working with energy alone just isn’t enough. You need energy psychology so that you can both clear and unblock the stuck energy AND discover the limiting thought or belief associated with it, since these beliefs are attracting (or resisting) manifestations in your life. I found out the hard way that if you only work on the energy, the Universe will manifest negative experiences in your life in order to clear the beliefs in the 3D (much better to clear them with energy healing and keep your life as grounded and balanced as possible as you move toward union!)
  • Lastly, while energy psychology is wonderful, the application itself has to be effective, fast and economical, otherwise (again, speaking from experience) you’ll wind up healing for months or years, going over the same old themes, finding more memories to work on but not really getting anywhere. That’s why I’m an advocate for ‘theme’ healing, so we can work on themes and clear and resolve them as a whole in a few sessions, rather than single memories per session which as you can imagine, would take a very long time.

Does Twin Flame Union Really Need To Be So Difficult?

You don’t have to be subjected to the rollercoaster ride that the twin flame journey can be. By simply committing to regular energy psychology work (to clear these issues BEFORE they play out in 3D life in an attempt to be healed) you can ditch the drama, feel more centred and be a conscious co-creator, working in union with your soul (and your twins) in focused way that moves towards union with purpose, groundedness, trust and faith. I know you can do this (I did, and I’ve been in union with my twin flame for 6 years now). You just need to commit to moving towards your twin in a way that effectively works. 

Ok, I Know What I Need To Do – What Now?

You can start by checking out our FREE 5 day course, ‘3 Steps To Twin Flame Union (& staying in it!) below that will guide you through everything you need to know for your twin flame journey.

If you’d like some support and effective energy psychology healing, from a twin flame actively in union (for 6 years now!) and an intuitive energy healer with 15 years experience, then check out our coaching and sessions option where you can really take your twin flame progress to the next level. Learn more here.